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Posts Tagged "hygge"

  • Embracing Hygge: The Benefits of Selling Your Home During the Fall

    October 20, 2017 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Embracing Hygge: The Benefits of Selling Your Home During the Fall Many people claim that spring is the best time to sell your home. Summer’s just around the corner, giving potential buyers more time away from work to move, front yards are generally looking cheerful with fresh blossoms, and new beginnings are in the air. However, selling in the spring and summer just isn’t possible for every homeowner. What's more, there are several secret advantages to selling during the “off-seasons” of fall and winter. If you’re considering listing your home this fall, here are a few reasons why this might be an excellent idea. 1. Embrace hygge. One of my favorite words ever, hygge is Danish for all things cozy and content--relaxed gatherings for family and friends, candles and firelight, warm blankets, and more. While it is possible to find hygge year-round, there is no better time for this concept than during the fall and winter. Most buyers want a welcoming, comfortable space to call their own, and you can achieve the hygge feeling through embracing fall's natural emphasis on hearth and home. Be sure to highlight your interior’s natural light through opening curtains or shades. It’s also smart to…Read more