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Posts made in August, 2008

  • Do the Fair Thing

    August 20, 2008 /
    Dennis S. Pearce /

    If school is around the corner, we're on the cusp of Fall. Which means it's County Fair Season! First to kick off is Snohomish County's Evergreen Fair, in Monroe. Click HERE to download your copy of the printable schedule.Read more

  • Designed to Sell

    August 13, 2008 /
    admin /

    If you’re planning to sell, you better sit down in front of your TV. I’ve been selling real estate for over 8 years now, and I have encountered many different, shall we say, less than appealing homes. I have had sellers tell me “Oh, I’ll just give the buyer a carpet allowance, they probably won’t like the color I pick anyway.” That same reasoning has also applied to the removal of paint colors that are very specific to the seller’s taste. There are also the awkward conversations about pet odors, kitchen odors or lingering cigarette smoke. Naturally, when you live in a home, you get used to how things are. You probably have a few projects that “you’ll get to” later- also known as 'Round-to-it's'. Those little coffee spots on the carpet add “character”. The huge display case of a collection that has been growing for the last decade is a source of pride and the hallway of family photos makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Ahhh, if only a buyer felt the same way about things. Unfortunately, the buyer may not appreciate the lilac wall with the purple sponge painting technique. The wall of mirrors with the gold mottling…Read more